Friday, January 18, 2013

Child Hostages Used by Prez Obama

          Limbaugh's fat head finally explodes. Scum, sludge and shit fill the broadcast studio. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Flush says: Conservatives kill kids with guns

Rush Limbaugh loves the smell of dead babies in the morning

The Flusher returns today with the announcement that liberals kill kids with abortion, not guns. What can this mean other than that conservatives kill women and children with AR-15s? Conservatives love to kill women and children with AR-15s. Conservatives love to see those .223 AR-15 rounds ripping through the tender young flesh of babies. Dead babies mean conservatives can remain free!

Rush, Rush, hey, hey, hey
How many kids did you kill today?

Sunday, January 13, 2013

And, Nancy Pelosi is a CHILD MOLESTER!!!!

The latest big lie, of course, is that Nancy Pelosi wants to force Tea Bagger Party grandparents to invite pedophiles into their grandchildren's bedrooms. 

To prove this new liberal threat to children he reads and very selectively quotes from The Guardian (liberal, communist, nazi, pedophile loving, etc.,) a newspaper from Great Britain, on a story about pedophilia. 

But note the carefully weasel-worded  lies: "...they make the case for pedophilia...The Guardian suggests pedophilia is not wrong...
the argument being made is that pedophilia is natural..."

And, finally, Sarah Goode, (an academic in Great Britain) has conducted two studies on pedophilia. This is quickly followed by Limbaugh's conclusion that there is an effort to normalize pedophilia, make it safe and loving and, therefore, protect our children.

Notice how Limbaugh does not actually say that The Guardian or Sarah Goode is planning to make pedophilia normal, loving and safe for children. Limbaugh is perfectly aware of the libel and slander laws of Great Britain and knows he will be sued if he said those things.

Rush Limbaugh is a liar and a coward, a big, sleazy liar and coward.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hey Rush, Get Your Lily White Chicken-Shit Ass Over Here!

How did a man who looks like a fat, white, pig, who sounds like a combination of Sylvester the Cat and Yosemite Sam, whose political views are essentially that of George Wallace in 1972, and who dodged the Vietnam draft (by claiming to have a big pimple on his ass,)  get to be the biggest radio personality in the U.S.?

We will be examining those and other questions and will be deconstructing Limbaugh's lies and exposing his special brand of reactionary cowardice.