Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Rush: Pussy Governor Can't Be Trusted

Limbaugh hates to say he told us so. But he did. Women are weak. They can't be trusted. Frailty! Thy name is woman. They want us to pay for their birth control pills. They want taxpayer funded abortions.

Now. the. bitch. governor. gives. in. to. the. fags.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

N***** Loving Yankee Republicans Defect to Obama

They voted to give Obama as much money as he wanted. They gave away the keys to the mint. Wrote the bastard a blank check. Where are they from?

Is there a pattern here? New York, California, New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois, Washington, Pennsylvania, etc. etc.......That's right. Yankee Republicans. They are traitors to the Tea Party of America. Defected over to the Black Tyrant Hussein Obama. And ever dadgum last one of 'em is white. Now, down South, we here know what to do with N***** Loving Whites. We shoot their damn asses.

There's 28 of them sons a bitches.

Now, there's a couple of Republicans which are ok by me. I mean, old John Boehner. He ain't nothing but a drunk, so leave him alone. And some guy from North Carolina who's so old he can barely shit.

Now, then there's Darrell Issa and Eric Cantor. Issa's pretty much part Jew and Kantor is all Jew, so I guess we should give the Jews a pass on this one, what with Israel being the chosen country and our most bestest ally and all.

But the rest of them back-stabbin', carpet-baggin' free-loadin' Yankee white-ass good-for-nothin' goddamn N***** Lovin' Republicans, I say shoot their asses.

Who's at the top of the HIT LIST?

No. 1. Pete King. This traitor is a well know communist. Why is he still even in the Republican Party? This scum must be removed from the public payroll. The New York Tea Party must immediately form a committee to Primary The Bastard.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Clarence Thomas: Blacks Too Sensitive Today

It was reported today in the Huffington Post that Clarence Thomas said during a Tuesday appearance in Florida,"To my knowledge, I was the first black kid in Savannah, Georgia, to go to a white school. Rarely did the issue of race come up...Now, name a day it doesn’t come up." Thomas also said that "Americans are too sensitive about race."

Clarence Thomas agreed to a telephone interview with democraticdiscontents. 

dd: Justice Thomas, you said that when you were the only kid in Savannah in a white school the issue of race rarely came up. 

Thomas: Yeah, that's right. 

dd: In the 50s and early 60s lynchings of black men were considered good family entertainment. Whites would bring picnic baskets and the whole family would gather to see the nigger hung. What did you think about that?

Thomas: Lynching of black men? No, I never saw or heard about any of that. And if there ever were any lynchings the niggers probably deserved it. You would not believe what some black men thought about white women. Now, ask me about high-tech lynchings. I know all about them. 

dd: What did you think about "white's only" and "colored only" bath rooms?

Thomas: Well, look, some of them country niggers are about as nasty as you can get. Hell, they didn't even know about toilet paper until about, maybe, 1970.  That's one of the few liberal programs that probably did some good. 

dd: But what would have happened if you tried to use a white's only bathroom?

Thomas: I would'a been shot before I unzipped my pants. 

dd: You just weren't that sensitive about it back then? 

Thomas: Hell, no. Nowadays, a white says turn the music down, and it starts a race war. 

dd: So you were never called racial slurs?

Thomas: I wouldn't say that, it's just I wasn't all that sensitive about it. 

dd: What has caused this hyper-sensitivity about race today among blacks and liberal whites? 

Thomas: It's the race-baiting industry. There is a lot of money being made promoting race sensitivity. 

dd: You once said that your law degree from Yale was worth 15 cents.

Thomas: That's because the white-shoe law firms thought I had got into Yale because of affirmative action. 

dd: Are you a member of the Supreme Court because of affirmative action? 

Thomas: That is a racist, derogatory, insulting and highly insensitive remark. Interview ended.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Hannity: No Blacks, Women, or Over 35 Need Apply

Today, Sean Hannity played calls he had received from high-quality, American, true patriot sons of the republic whom he had helped get jobs in the North Dakota and Texas oil fields.

True to his "No Political Correctness" reputation, Hannity did nothing to disguise the obvious fact that all the callers were white, male and under 35. Michelle Obama's cousin wants a job in the oil field? Yuck, Yuck, snicker, snicker, hehehe.

We luv ya' Sean! Keep up the good work.

Socialists Defeat Gun Lovers in Super Bowl

(Kevin Cox of Getty Images)
Thanks, dude!
Pot smoking, Socialist, Minority-Lovin', Homo-Lovin' Anti-American Communist football team, the Seattle Socialist SeaHawks, defeated the pot-smokin' all-American, gun lovin' anti-free loading capitalist football team, the Denver Broncos.

How could such a thing have happened in this country? There is only one explanation: Peyton Manning was stoned from being around so much pot smoke. He couldn't handle it, he didn't know how to function while stoned. You could see it in his eyes on the first play of the game. "Whoa, mannn...Wow, that was realllly cool. It was all like it was in sloooowww motion, man."

Next year, SOMEBODY, teach Manning how to smoke dope!!