Thursday, December 15, 2016

Time Magazine's Person of the Year: An orangutan wearing a dead rat hair piece.

It took Europe 50 years and 50 million dead to rid the world of fascism. Now is it America's turn?

They saved Baby Jeebus in the war on Christman.

Monday, December 12, 2016

The American Spectacle of Donald Trump

Trump is proving the post-modern theory that truth, like all social reality, is constructed, is determined by cultural, political and economic conditions. He has even reduced truth to 140 characters of Twitter text.

Truth is nothing but a propaganda process of continual self-justification through lies, half-lies and half-truths. And once the official truth is formulated, it too begins to morph and twist into a new unrecognizable truth until it finally is officialized into the new reality.

Donald Trump may be the perfect president for the new Reality Show called America.