Monday, August 15, 2016

What Idiotic Thing Will The Orange Idiot Say Tomorrow?

I never saw the "founder and co-founder of ISIS," nor the Hillary is too sick and feeble to be president.

My new prediction: Trump wants to declare political bankruptcy and rid himself of the self-torture of his campaign. But there is no political bankruptcy court to run to. So what to do?

1. He will fake a heart attack. 2. Fake his own assassination attempt and blame BLM, but then withdraw for the good of the country. 3. Fire Manafort and appoint Hannity as his campaign manager.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

What Idiotic Thing Will Trump Say Tomorrow?

Well, didn't pick anything the orange idiot said today. Here is for tomorrow.

1.The emails contained the detailed battle plans for the attack by ISIS on Benghazi.

2. Hillary was in the crowd on 9-11 cheering the attack on the World Trade Center. Knowledgeable sources confirm there are photos.

3. China has DNA proof that Hillary was impregnated by Osama Bin Laden and aborted the baby.

4. Aliens have inhabited the mind of Hillary ever since she "tripped."

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

What Idiotic Thing Will Trump Say Tomorrow?

Today is August 10, 2016.

What will the orange idiot say tomorrow? My guesses:

1. Hillary Clinton wants to get all rapists out of prison and on the streets on
her first day in office. Some people in the NRA might be able to stop her. Just saying, ya know?

2. You won't be able to lock her up if she's elected.

3. Hillary and Bill Clinton were never married.

4. Hillary Clinton is secretly married to Janet Reno.

Unfortunately it is possible to go back and edit a post on Blogger. I guess I will try and save it on Twitter.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Donald Assassin

The Donald has added three new advisers to his campaign: John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, and John Hinckley. It is true that Hinckley failed, but his heart was in the right place.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Rise of the Zombie Donald

In 2012 the Republican Party died. An autopsy showed that it died of acute bigotrosis. Although dead, signs of movement continued to appear in the disgusting pile of dead Republicanism. Its muscles and organs were decaying and putrefying and maggots were invading the corpse, leading observers to believe that it was still alive.

But inside the corpse was growing the first of the Republican Undead, The Donald. It had the grotesque coloring of a putrid orange, the slick, greasy hair of an undead hyena, and the grinning face of a lunatic chimpanzee. 

It finally emerged, fully grown, four years later. It had the power of mind control over any former member of the Republican Party. It quickly began eating the living brains and flesh of the Establishment. There was no defense to the Donald. 

It is walking as you read this. There is nothing you can do. It will eat your brains out. It has total control of your mind. REPEAT. There is nothing you can do. He will convince you of anything. He will show you pictures of him eating normal food, such as Taco Salad ToiletBowls and Kentucky Fried ChickenShit. Do not fall for these optical tricks. Have you ever seen the Donald ingest actual food? NO!

He will tell you that he has sacrificed his money for his country, that he would have gladly sacrificed his life for his country in a place called "The Republic of VeetName." These lies works only for those whose brains have already been infected with the Right Wing Zombie Virus, those who were living in the Colonic Space of the Republican Party when it died. 

You are not safe!! It is coming!!

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Passion of the Donald

The Christians (not the Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, or other heathens) believe that God sacrificed his only Son to redeem the sins of mankind. The Donald has now revealed to us that he also has sacrificed something that is truly precious to him: his money. He sacrificed his money to create jobs and casinos in New Jersey so that he could redeem his Holy Profit. He created wealth in his own image and saw that it was Good. He said, "Let there be gambling and whores in Atlantic City," and He saw that the gambling and whores were Good.

All Glory be to the Donald.

"I must bear my cross, too." The Donald.