Thursday, June 7, 2018

The People's Impeachment And Removal

When the representatives of the people no longer represent the people, then the only course of action open to the people is the direct, forceful, and militant removal from office of a tyrant like Trump. But how to achieve this? A mass society requires the action of the masses of the people to achieve a desired political end. The mass direct action must be used when democracy is threatened. Hundreds of thousands of people must surround the White House and not leave until he is gone.. This will be a siege on the White House, nothing will be allowed in or out.

But isn't this unconstiTOOSHANUL?  This government has long ceased to be constituional in any sense meant by the constituion of 1789. We live in a society controlled by, of and for corporate capitalism. 

Nikki Makes An Offer

If I suck your dick will you vote for my proposal?